Others became ARF Troopers, who used mastiffs to hunt down fugitives that escaped prison.
Some shock troopers became Riot clone troopers, using stun batons and riot shields to keep restless crowds under control and keep a constant patrol on the city. Clones of the Coruscant Guard used a variety of equipment, including Z-6 rotary cannons, electro staffs, and RPS-6 rocket launchers. Some were also equipped with ARF trooper armor. Most members of the Coruscant Guard were clone shock troopers, utilizing both Phase I armor, and later in the war, Phase II armor. But as the war comes closer to ending, a deadly conspiracy against the Republic and Jedi is revealed. He later led his men to victory with the assistance of Representative Jar Jar Binks. For The Lone Wolf and his lover, the war is almost over.
He was seen escorting Senator Kharrus to Florrum, where his shuttle was shot down by pirates. Main article: Stone Commander Stone, or CC-5869, was the commanding officer of the Diplomatic Escort Group.